We decided to maintain the annual meeting of the French DC society
While the sanitary situation is worsening we still wanted to keep the meeting in person.
Some speakers won't be able to fly to Paris but they all agreed to give their talks by zoom.
We adapted the program so the speakers from the United States could give their talks at descent times.
We also took some new dispositions in order to make the meeting safe for all the participants.
1. Sanitary (vaccination) pass will be required for the participation to the meeting or valid test results.
2. Wearing a mask will be mandatory during the meeting.
3. Lunch will be provided in lunch boxes and a large space will be used for lunch to avoid crowded areas.
4. Coffee breaks will be limited to avoid interactions without masks at the meeting.
We hope that you understand the current situation and we count an your cooperation.
We are really happy to see this meeting happen and we can't wait to see you as well.
While the sanitary situation is worsening we still wanted to keep the meeting in person.
Some speakers won't be able to fly to Paris but they all agreed to give their talks by zoom.
We adapted the program so the speakers from the United States could give their talks at descent times.
We also took some new dispositions in order to make the meeting safe for all the participants.
1. Sanitary (vaccination) pass will be required for the participation to the meeting or valid test results.
2. Wearing a mask will be mandatory during the meeting.
3. Lunch will be provided in lunch boxes and a large space will be used for lunch to avoid crowded areas.
4. Coffee breaks will be limited to avoid interactions without masks at the meeting.
We hope that you understand the current situation and we count an your cooperation.
We are really happy to see this meeting happen and we can't wait to see you as well.